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52 of Me

52 Weeks of Us, Running

52 of Me: Twenty-Three

Tomorrow is the next 10K race in my Crohn’s Running Challenge and I admit, I’m a bit scared.

First, I’ve been on a long holiday this month.  Yes, I did manage to get myself up and out the door early to go running a couple of times on my trip.  (Which, by the way, is a really great way to experience a new city).  But compared to how I’d been training for my last 10K, my training regimen the past few weeks hasn’t been very strict.  My biggest accomplishment some days has just been getting out the door to run, never mind trying to do specific training intervals, sprints, etc.

Second, this race, the Zest Alpro Challenge, is more than just a 10K, it’s an “adventure” 10K. Honestly, I’m not sure what to expect other than doing a lot more than just running and getting really muddy.  There are things on the course map labeled “Pontoon Maze, ” “Zig Zag Balance Beam,” and “Inflatable Assault Course Slide.”  What on earth have a gotten myself into?

So my goals for this race are pretty simple and I’m not worried about my time at all.

Finish.  Don’t hurt myself.  Have fun.  Oh, and don’t crap myself.

Wish me luck!  And, help me support Crohn’s and Colitis UK by sponsoring me over on my JustGiving page (or the handy little button over there on the right).

52 Weeks of Us

52 of Him and Me: Twenty-Two

It’s been a difficult thing to find my motivation to start blogging again after 10 days holiday.  Ten days with friends in an amazing place I’d never been, and mostly without internet access, has me struggling to share photos, to sit at my keyboard and type, wondering whether anyone will even notice if my 52 week series just stops.

But I decided to show up.

I greatly anticipated my child-free holiday, much-needed time for me to recharge the batteries drained by parenthood.  The thing is though, I missed my little man terribly.  His little face as he ran to greet me at the airport was the most magical thing I’ve ever seen.  And this week I’ve enjoyed spending time with him, looking at our time together in a different light, appreciating him and the time we have together so much more.  Yes, absence does make the heart grow fonder.

And so here we are this week, him doing what he does A LOT of these days, focusing with intense concentration on the intricacies of a toy robot.  It’s all robots all the time at our house.  And me, I don’t know what came over me other than I just felt like it was a good a time as any to be a little silly.  I love that he has no idea I’m even there. 

We can all do with a little more silly in our lives can’t we?

Oxfordshire Portrait Photographer
52 Weeks of Us

52 of Me: Twenty

And forget not that the earth delights to feel your bare feet and the winds long to play with your hair.
― Kahlil Gibran

Oxfordshire Photographer
52 Weeks of Us

52 of Me: Nineteen

How did it get so late so soon?
It’s night before it’s afternoon.
December is here before it’s June.
My goodness how the time has flewn.
How did it get so late so soon?
~Dr. Seuss