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Everyday Adventures

Morning Light at Paddington Station
Everyday Adventures

Everyday Moments: Light

Before moving to England, I’d only experienced London as a tourist, taking in its sights and cosmopolitan charms with glee.  So when I first found myself occasionally commuting into London for work, it was exciting, the novelty of an adventure living abroad taking hold.

Five years later, though, I recognize that the reality of commuting into London is much less glamorous. It means waking before dawn, tip-toeing around the house, and blow drying my hair in the reflection of the back door so that I don’t wake my sleeping family.  In the winter, it’s still dark as my train journey begins, the sun barely even breaking the horizon.  It means crowded tube journeys where my face is literally pressed into a stranger’s armpit.  And it means racing along the platform to catch the train home, only to find that the seats are full and I’m left to stand for the hour’s journey home.

But while I’d happily live without most of the journey, there are sometimes moments that make me stop and smile and appreciate the world around me.  The other morning as I stepped off the train and onto the platform, the most stunning golden glow greeted me, basking the platform in its warm and hopeful light.

I stopped for a moment to take in the scene and feel the rays of sunshine as they reached far into the darkness of the station.  I took a few deep breaths and reminded myself that even on bad days, there is always one good thing.  And then I followed my fellow travellers toward the light and the rest of my day.


Please continue around our little blog circle to find out how Laura caught the light through her lens this month.

Year in Pictures 2013
Everyday Adventures

The Year 2013 in Pictures

Nine thousand two hundred and eight.  That’s how many pictures I’ve taken in 2013.  Well, I’ve taken more, but 9208 have survived, so far escaping the delete key that sends them into the ether.

My dear fellow vixens Elizabeth and Susannah inspired me wander back through the memories I’ve captured over the past year and share a few here.  In the digital age, it’s so easy to capture and catalog the images that tell the stories of our lives.  But it’s also so easy to allow all those images to gather dust, taking up space in our computers yet left forgotten in our lives.  And I’m as guilty as anyone of this.

But, the process of scanning through a year’s worth of photos has reminded me of many everyday moments for which I’m grateful.  And it’s also reminded me to do something with all these images.  Print them.  Make books.  Make cards.  Share them.

I have nine thousand two hundred and eight moments to be thankful for and I shouldn’t have to search my hard drive to be reminded of them.

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Lego GogglesYear in Pictures 2013Year in Pictures 2013

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Year in Pictures 2013Year in Pictures 2013Year in Pictures 2013

Oxfordshire Lifestyle Photographer
Everyday Adventures

Everyday Moments: School Days

He started school (really just pre-school) this week and I should have some of those beautiful photographs I see everyone else posting of their little people as they head off for a new adventure. But I don’t. Parenting fail. Photographer fail.

But it’s not like it’s really a new journey this year. It’s the same pre-school and the same little uniform he’s worn for the past year and half. I love school uniforms by the way. They make parenting so easy. I remember my school days and the shopping trips mom would take me on to get new clothes before the new school year started. They were always fraught with tension as her ideas about what I should wear and mine were never quite the same. But with uniforms? Well, little man, would you like to wear the red jumper today, or the red jumper, or the other red jumper? It’s brilliant.

What I do have are memories of our journeys together to school. Him in the backseat, sitting in his new “big boy” car seat, and playing with his LEGO robot pieces (the thing he can’t live without right now).

Oxfordshire Lifestyle Photographer

He does have new shoes and new trousers. Only because he keeps doing what all little boys of his age should do, growing. I notice his body seems to be putting most of its energy into growing his legs, they’re getting longer and lankier by the day.Oxfordshire Lifestyle Photographer

When I pick him up after school we still enjoy running around the school grounds for a few minutes before we head home. This week he was delighted to show me where he’d gone blackberry picking with his class earlier in the day. We picked a few, counted them, and then ate them on the way home. I love it when he shares his stories and adventures with me.
Oxfordshire Lifestyle Photographer

Please follow the circle around to see what lovely Laura’s school days look like.


Somewhere on the Road
Everyday Adventures


really there was just a lot of driving + we did the math and decided we could have flown to California in the time it took to drive to Scotland + there are times when I’m really not a fan of the English motorways + they can test the patience of even the most patient people + there were a couple of days spent recovering from the driving + and getting back into the regular routines of our lives when we’re not on holiday + unpacking and laundry, lots of laundry + dinner out because the cupboard was bare + but a yummy gluttonous meal at the GBK full of burgers, fries, and milkshakes + we decided we were still on holiday + catching up with friends + and the return of the X Factor!


[WEEKENDING WITH AMANDA] – how was yours?

Everyday Adventures


the start of a family holiday to Scotland + the furthest north I’ve ever driven in Britain + the longest I’ve ever driven in Britain (10 hours!!!) + counting down as we crossed the border 3-2-1, Scotland + a Twister and Mini Cheddars for dinner, good parenting! + stopping at the foot of the Cairngorms to have a wee by the side of the road + waking up to the calls of a rooster, way too early I might add + getting out for my first run in a week and enjoying every minute of it + breathing in fresh mountain air, exploring new running routes, meeting some cool cows20130825-220926.jpgtraveling to Inverness for lunch and a stroll along the River Ness20130825-221134.jpg20130825-221156.jpgenjoying the bright and sunny afternoon by visiting the Culloden Battlefield and soaking in Scottish history20130825-221222.jpg20130825-221245.jpg20130825-221334.jpgstanding on the roof of the car to photograph the sunset over the mountains + the most beautiful moon I’ve seen in ages, low and glowing in the sky as wisps of clouds float by


[WEEKENDING WITH AMANDA] – how was yours?