Do you pay attention to the smells that surround you everyday? I know I certainly don’t. And with the chronic sinus trouble I’ve had since moving to the UK, I know my sense of smell isn’t quite as sharp as it used to be. But we’ve got a sense of smell for a reason don’t we? To give us more information about the world around us, warn us of dangers like when food gets rotten or when there’s a fire. Or to let you know when you need to cleanup that nightmare poo your child’s just done. But smells also stir emotions and memories, heightening our experiences in life.
Last night I made a dish that I’ve made several times before but had never really thought about why I like it so much. Is it because it’s easy? YES. Is it because it’s yummy? Yes. But as I looked at the ingredients I’d gathered on the cutting board, I realized that I also enjoy making and eating this because it just smells so good. The aromas of the lemons, rosemary, and garlic just have a little party in my nose making the meal more delicious. And the scents even hang around in the house for a while reminding me of a nice home cooked meal.
Why not take note of the smells you come across today? You might rediscover a bit of the world you’ve taken for granted.
And, if you’re interested, I made Heston’s Tagliata with Rocket and Parmesan Salad. Highly recommended.