Winter Glow

Links for the Weekend

We’re making the most of the cold damp weather and sharing various sinus maladies this week.  But hey we had snow!

An amazing glimpse of an artist at work.  Can you believe these goldfish aren’t real?  Brilliant.

Parenting Illustrated with Crappy Pictures.  I wish I was this artistic.  I wish I was this funny.  Man she gets this parenting thing.

Annie Leibovitz getting out her iPhone.  Me and my iPhone camera vindicated!

According to this infographic, the “micro-naps” I’ve been getting during episodes of Peppa Pig are surprisingly effective.

And talking about sleep deprivation, I drink a lot of coffee.  But reading this article about what caffeine actually does to your brain makes me wonder if I’ve built up too much of a tolerance for it to do me any good.  Oh, but I do so enjoy I good cup of coffee.

25 Rules for Mothers of Sons (from Anne).  What  a great set of things to aspire to as a parent.

I’ve been told this recipe for the World’s Best Lasagna will help me with life list item #8.  I’ll let you know how that turns out.

Great article about focusing on the positive things in life.

Nikon FINALLY announces the camera upgrade I’ve been waiting for.

Have a happy weekend everyone.  x

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