Sick Day

Links for the Weekend

I first saw this advert from the British Heart Foundation on TV.  But man, it makes me laugh every time.  And what child of the 70s can forget Stayin’ Alive?

Must read for anyone that’s done tech support for their friends and family.

I haven’t even caught up with the ones from 2011 or even 2010, but here are 20 Books to Read Before They’re Adapted Into 2012 Movies.

Glennon Melton has an inspiring story and writes beautifully on her blog about the challenges of everyday life.  She says many of the things the rest of us are afraid to.

The Changing Nature of Photography.  And something to motivate me to print more photos.

Yosemite National Park is one of the most beautiful places I’ve ever been.  This amazing time lapse video gives you a glimpse into its beauty.

Do you find yourself constantly multi-tasking and juggling so many things that you get none of them done?  I sure do.  Maybe it’s time to try the Power of One.

I might start exercising again just to get this.

In the sea of things written about Joe Paterno over the past week, this story by Mark Willard demonstrates, for me, more than any other why we Penn Staters thought so highly of the man.

That awkward moment when a family member adds you on Facebook. Mr. Sulu, well done.

Enjoy and happy weekend!


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