
Links for the Weekend

I‘m beginning to think these Links for the Weekend posts are providing interesting insight into what’s on my mind during the week. Throughout the week I collect various links in the wonderful tool Evernote. It’s not until Thursday night that I weed though what I’ve collected and post those that filter to the top. Granted I did an Easter theme last week, but this week as I was putting these together I also noticed a theme. I didn’t even realize it but I’d collected an assortment of links about society’s pressure on women to be perfect with regard to body image in particular.

I’m loving this article about actress Megan Fox and her plastic surgery, at the ripe old age of 25. When someone already this good-looking feels like they aren’t good enough, sheesh.

What happens to 3 out of 4 girls after leafing through a fashion magazine for 3 minutes. (via Jet)

I’ve got a big nose. Here’s to learning to love my big nose.

If you didn’t already know that the beautiful people aren’t as perfect as they seem, see these supermodels without makeup or Photoshop.

Brené Brown’s excellent TED Talk on Listening to Shame. “Shame, for women, is this web of unobtainable, conflicting, competing expectations about who we’re supposed to be.”

Model Lily Cole wipes off her make-up as she questions perfection.

And my hero of the week, actress Ashley Judd, who wrote an excellent op-ed in response to the media’s speculation over her ‘puffy’ appearance. You can also watch her speak out on the issue in a NBC Nightly News interview. And just today, Ashley and The Daily Beast have taken the debate even further by asking women to share their ‘puffy face’ moments.

Have a happy weekend. You’re beautiful just the way you are.


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